El Quim


quimA few lines to explain you how I arrived at the Mercat de la Boqueria in August 1987. I bought a small bar with a 3 metre-long counter and five stools. It was hidden just opposite the main entrance. For sure it was not the best place in the market but I was really excited.

The very first days it seemed a huge market, real impressive. I felt dizzy with the idea that I was part of that Paradise of food. It was and still is, a small village inside the big city. The first four years were tough and I worked hard to gain loyal customers, be well-known and always offer a high level of service which I still require. After that time the market management asked me to move to aisle 5, stands 525-526, because of some reforms that had to be made. Much better placement!

However, the same 3 metre-counter and five stools. That moving did not include a business expansión but it opened my mind and made me dream of a future with more space. As I said, we had only five stools. But, we served breakfast from 7 am and more than 100 meals during rush hours when people went from one place to another. That was 1991 Xmas. In that small counter I offered my culinary creations always cooked with fresh market products and with the desire that a breakfast or a meal can turn into a pleasure for my customers. Every day more people showed me their recognition untill one day in October 2000 I was notified that the market was going to be reformed again. That’s my turn, I thought. I had the opportunity to open a new Quim de la Boqueria with a 16 metre-counter and 18 stools just a few metres from where my bar stood . My dream!!! There it was and I was the happiest man in earth. It was a great opportunity and I had to take it. I accepted the new challange to cook for more people and share more meals; more creations. And in 2010 I opened “El petit Quim” just next to “El Quim de la Boqueria” with five more stools.

Today I feel happier than 9 years ago, than even 22 years ago because during these years I’ve had the privilege to serve people from all over the world: from a very close Barcelonian to the furtherest visitor; from the anonymous customer to the most prestigious cooks. I want my modest place to be a meeting point of cultures and tastes with a unique devotion: gastronomy. A place where you can taste real market food from La Boqueria market. She has been the mother of “Quim de la Boqueria” and working here daily I want to return all she has given to me.

Thanks to all of you who have made it possible. Those who used to be and those who are customers/friends of “El Quim de la Boqueria”. And to all of you who still don’t know me I propose you the experience of “The art of eating in a stool”.

See you! You now know where to meet me.



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