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By: E. Rocko, M.A., M.D.

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Proteins tend to be conserved and are catabolized in large amounts only during prolonged starvation 72210 treatment discount benazepril 10mg without a prescription. Obese subjects medicine man lyrics purchase genuine benazepril on line, by virtue of their increased fat mass medicine chest order benazepril 10 mg with visa, can survive starvation for much longer medications 247 purchase 10mg benazepril mastercard, over 120 days in some cases. This highlights the crucial importance of fat storage as a survival advantage during most of human evolution, during which famine has been a powerful selection force. The processes of fat deposition and mobilization are regulated by integrated endocrine and neural mechanisms, which cooperate to keep fat mass relatively constant under habitual conditions. This starts with glycerol-3-phosphate, produced in the fed state from glucose by glycolysis in the adipocyte. Indeed, the glycerol formed during lipolysis is not reutilized to a major extent by white fat cells because they contain minimal amounts of the enzyme glycerol kinase necessary for glycerol metabolism. However, expression of glycerol kinase can be induced in human white fat cells, thereby allowing a futile cycle of lipolysis and reesterification. Reesterification requires glyceroneogenesis, which is defined as the de novo synthesis of glycerol-3-phosphate from pyruvate, lactate, or certain amino acids. It is unknown whether this pathway participates in the control of human fat cell lipolysis. Lipolytic and antilipolytic molecules activate receptors present at the surface of fat cells. Notably, it has recently been shown in rodents that insulin, which is known to directly activate fat cell insulin receptors, exerts part of its antilipolytic action through hypothalamic control of the sympathetic nervous system. Indeed, insulin infusion into the mediobasal hypothalamus of rats suppresses lipolysis. It is well recognized that sympathetic nervous system oscillations and pulsatile hormone secretion occur. Surprisingly, the number of molecules and receptors involved in the inhibition of lipolysis through Gi-proteincoupled receptors is very large. However, the discovery of a new hormonal lipolytic pathway in human fat cells challenged this view. The mature white adipocyte comprises a large lipid droplet occupying the major part of the cell. Lipid droplets are considered dynamic organelles that are critical for the management of cellular lipid stores and lipolytic processes. Obesity is characterized by both increased lipid storage and decreased lipid removal. An increased capacity to store fat with low net mobilization leads to an expansion of fat mass; this may also be viewed as a way to safely deposit lipids into a harmless compartment. However, when the storage capacity is exceeded32 ectopic deposition of lipids in liver and skeletal muscle may favor the development of insulin resistance through lipotoxic mechanisms. This is exemplified in familial combined hyperlipidemia, a hereditary lipid disorder predisposing to premature coronary heart disease. It also produces a flurry of protein and lipid species with paracrine and autocrine activities. The discovery of adiponectin, an abundant plasma protein secreted by human and rodent adipocytes, initiated extensive 230 Handbook of Obesity investigations. Adiponectin exerts multiple actions on skeletal muscle, liver, and vessels via adiponectin receptors (AdipoR1 and AdipoR2). In addition to its insulin-sensitizing effects, adiponectin also exerts anti-inflammatory and antiatherogenic effects. The roles of adiponectin and adiponectin receptors in the peripheral tissues and sympathetic nervous system have been extensively reviewed and are not detailed here. Its secretion is inversely regulated by insulin and hypoxia and could be important in obesity-related disorders.

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