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By: S. Tom, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., Ph.D.

Vice Chair, University of Vermont College of Medicine

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Chorea gravidarum It is choreiform movement occurring during pregnancy arthritis x ray findings order indomethacin american express, often in patients with a history of rheumatic fever arthritis in neck at young age order indomethacin 75mg on line. Chorea usually begins during the first trimester and resolves spontaneously by or after delivery arthritis pain upper arm buy cheap indomethacin 75 mg. Treatment consists of sedation with barbiturates arthritis pills for dogs purchase indomethacin on line, because other drugs may harm the fetus. Hemiballismus · · · It is violent, continuous proximal limb flinging movements confined to one side of the body, usually affecting the arm more than the leg. It is caused by a lesion, usually an infarct, in the region of the contralateral sub-thalamic nucleus of Luys. Differential diagnosis includes acute hemichorea, usually due to tumor or infarct of the caudate nucleus, and focal seizures. It is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by choreiform movements and progressive intellectual deterioration, usually beginning in middle age. Motor manifestations: flicking movements of the extremities, a lilting gait, motor impersistence (inability to sustain a motor act, such as tongue protrusion), facial grimacing, ataxia, and dystonia. Disorder is always progressive; patients ultimately lose physical and mental abilities to care for themselves. Dystonia Definition: Sustained abnormal posture and disruptions of ongoing movement, resulting from alterations in muscle tone; it is classified as generalized, focal or segmental: Generalized dystonia (dystonia musculorum deformans) · · · · · It is a rare progressive syndrome characterized by movements that result in sustained, often bizarre postures. Symptoms usually begin in childhood with inversion and plantar fixation of the foot while walking. Rarely, dystonic movements spread to an adjacent region (segmental dystonia), and even more rarely, the process generalizes. Peripheral neuropathy Definition: A general term indicating peripheral nerve disorder of any cause. The type of symptoms and signs: Sensory, Motor, Autonomic, Or any combination 2. Distribution · · · Mononeuropathy: single nerve affected Multiple mononeuropathy(mononeuritis multiplex): two or more nerves in separate areas affected Polyneuropathy: many nerves simultaneously affected 3. Mononeuropathy: · · · Trauma: most common cause of localized injury to single nerve Focal neuropathy: violent muscular activity, forcible overextension of joint, repeated small traumas Pressure or entrapment paralysis: affects superficial nerves at bony prominences or at narrow canals; also from tumors, bony hyperostosis, casts, crutches, prolonged cramped postures. Malignancy Signs and symptoms: Specific mononeuropathies: Are characterized by pain, weakness and paresthesias in distribution of affected nerve; multiple mononeuropathy is asymmetric; nerves may be involved all at once or progressively. Ulnar nerve palsy: · · · · · · · · Often caused by trauma to nerve in the ulnar groove of the elbow, or due to compression at cubital tunnel; Paresthesia and sensory deficit in 5th and medial half of the 4th fingers is a common finding. Thumb adductor, 5th finger abductor and interossei muscles are weak and atrophied. Is compression of median nerve in volar aspect of wrist, may be unilateral or bilateral. Paresthesia in radial-palmar aspect of hand and pain over the wrist and palm; pain may be more severe at night. Sensory deficit in palmar aspect of first three fingers may follow; thumb abduction and opposition may become weak and muscles atrophied. For all, conservative treatment should be tried first, with surgical exploration taking place if no success or worsening of symptoms occurs. Radial nerve palsy: · · · · · · Is due to compression of nerve against humerus; Weakness of wrist and finger extensors (wrist drop), Sensory loss over dorsal aspect of 1st finger. Weakness of foot dorsiflexion and eversion (foot drop) occurs; Sensory deficit over anterolateral aspect of lower leg and dorsum of foot or web space between 1st and 2nd metatarsals can occur. They may affect the axon cylinder or the myelin sheath and, in either form, may be acute. Diabetic neuropathy Sensory polyneuropathy · · · · · · · Develops slowly over months or years. Sensory abnormalities are common, usually starting in the lower extremities, more severe distally than proximally. Peripheral tingling, numbness, burning pain, or deficiencies in joint proprioception and vibratory sensation are often prominent. Pain is often worse at night and may be aggravated by touching the affected area or by temperature changes. In severe cases, there are objective signs of sensory loss, typically with stocking-andglove distribution.

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They are reserved for special situations like pheochromocytoma rheumatoid arthritis pain under ribs order 50 mg indomethacin free shipping, clonidine withdrawal arthritis medication humira cheap 75mg indomethacin with amex, cheese reaction rheumatoid arthritis definition who cheap generic indomethacin canada, etc arthritis thumb joint pain relief buy cheap indomethacin 50mg on line. Pharmacokinetics Clonidine is well absorbed orally; peak occurs in 2­4 hours; 1/2 to 2/3 of an oral dose is excreted unchanged in urine, the rest as metabolites. A combination of blocker with a blocker, or a potent vasodilator (nitroprusside) or clonidine itself can be used to treat the syndrome. Interactions Tricyclic antidepressants and chlorpromazine abolish the antihypertensive action of clonidine, probably by blocking receptors on which clonidine acts. Clonidine is a partial agonist with high affinity and high intrinsic activity at 2 receptors, especially 2A subtype in brainstem. The major haemodynamic effects result from stimulation of 2A receptors present mainly postjunctionally in medulla (vasomotor centre). Clonidine also activates Imidazoline receptors which are distinct from 2 receptors and are present in the brain as well as periphery. Oral Use Clonidine was a popular antihypertensive in the late 1960s and 1970s, but frequent side effects, risk of withdrawal hypertension and development of tolerance have relegated it to a 3rd or 4th choice drug. Adverse effects Sedation, lethargy and reduced mental capacity are common side effects. Dryness of mouth, nasal stuffiness, headache, fluid retention, weight gain, impotence are the other side effects. Interactions Tricyclic antidepressants reverse its action by blocking its active transport into the adrenergic neurones. Opioid withdrawal: Opioid and 2 adrenergic systems converge on the same effectors in many systems; both activate the Gi regulatory protein. Clonidine suppresses sympathetic overactivity of opioid withdrawal syndrome and reduces craving to some extent. It has been used to substitute morphine for intrathecal/epidural surgical and postoperative analgesia. It may be acting by 2 receptor mediated enhancement of salt absorption in gut mucosa. Pharmacokinetics Though methyldopa is transported actively by intestinal amino acid carrier, less than 1/3 of an oral dose is absorbed. However, it is infrequently used now, except to treat hypertension during pregnancy wherein it has a long track record of safety, both for the mother as well as the foetus. Thus, a hyperdynamic circulatory state is induced-angina may be precipitated due to increased cardiac work as well as steal phenomenon. Tolerance to the hypotensive action develops unless diuretics or blockers or both are given together to block the compensatory mechanisms. The mechanism of vascular smooth muscle relaxant action of hydralazine is not clearly known. The chief metabolic pathway is acetylation which exhibits a bimodal distribution in the population: there are slow and fast acetylators. Bioavailability is higher in slow acetylators, but these patients are more prone to develop the lupus syndrome. Hydralazine is completely metabolized both in liver and plasma; the metabolites are excreted in urine, tЅ 1­2 hours. However, hypotensive effect lasts longer (12 hours), probably because of its persistence in the vessel wall. Applied topically (2% twice daily) it promotes hair growth in male pattern baldness and alopecia areata. The response is slow (takes 2­6 months) and incomplete, but upto 60% subjects derive some benefit, albeit for short periods. The mechanism of increased hair growth is not known; may involve: (a) Opening of K + channels and enhanced microcirculation around hair follicles. Dermatological reaction and systemic side effects (headache, dizziness, palpitation) occur in 1­3% cases. It is one of the preferred antihypertensives during pregnancy, especially preeclampsia, because of decades of safety record. Hydralazine is contraindicated in older patients and in those with ischaemic heart disease. Minoxidil It is a powerful vasodilator, the pattern of action resembling hydralazine, i.

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Being a basic drug it is partitioned to the acid gastric juice arthritis medication hair loss safe 50mg indomethacin, ionizes there and does not diffuse back into blood arthritis diet naturopathy indomethacin 75mg mastercard. Due to short duration of action arthritis healthy diet buy indomethacin pills in toronto, naloxone should be repeated every 1­4 hours arthritis knee inflammation generic 25mg indomethacin visa, according to the response. Tolerance and dependence High degree of tolerance can be developed to morphine and related opioids if the drug is used repeatedly. It is partly pharmacokinetic (enhanced rate of metabolism), but mainly pharmacodynamic (cellular tolerance). Tolerance is exhibited to most actions, but not to constipating and miotic actions. Morphine produces pronounced psychological and physical dependence, its abuse liability is rated high. Thus, the analgesic action of morphine can be dissociated from tolerance and dependence which contribute to its abuse. Concern about abuse has been a major limitation in the use of morphine, but appropriate medical use of morphine seldom progresses to dependence and abuse. Morphine abuse is higher among medical and paramedical personnel because they have easier access to the drug. Earlier, morphine addicts tended to be from the middle age group, but now younger individuals are also opting for it. Delirium and convulsions are not a characteristic feature (contrast barbiturates) and are seen only occasionally. Cardiovascular collapse and fatality are rare if supportive measures are instituted. Opioid antagonists (naloxone, nalorphine) precipitate acute withdrawal syndrome in the dependent subject. Treatment: consists of withdrawal of morphine and substitution with oral methadone (long-acting, orally effective) followed by gradual withdrawal of methadone. Longterm methadone maintenance and other techniques using agonist-antagonistic drugs are also employed. Infants and the elderly are more susceptible to the respiratory depressant action of morphine. It is dangerous in patients with respiratory insufficiency (emphysema, pulmonary fibrosis, cor pulmonale); sudden deaths have occurred. Bronchial asthma: Morphine can precipitate an attack by its histamine releasing action. Morphine retards absorption of many orally administered drugs by delaying gastric emptying. Many others like-Hydromorphone, Oxymorphone, Hydrocodone, Oxycodone are not used in India. Synthetic opioids: Pethidine (Meperidine), Fentanyl, Methadone, Dextropropoxyphene, Tramadol. Many others like-Levorphanol, Dextromoramide, Dipipanone, Alfentanil, Sufentanil, Remifentanil are not available in India. Codeine It is methyl-morphine, occurs naturally in opium, and is partly converted in the body to morphine. It is less potent than morphine (1/10th as analgesic), also less efficacious; is a partial agonist at opioid receptor with a low ceiling effect. The degree of analgesia is comparable to aspirin (60 mg codeine ~ 600 mg aspirin); can relieve mild to moderate pain only. However, codeine is more selective cough suppressant (1/3rd as potent as morphine); subanalgesic doses (10­30 mg) suppress cough (see p. However, receptors involved in the antitussive action appear to be distinct, because they bind codeine as well as morphine. Though codeine phosphate is water soluble and can be injected, parenteral preparation is not available.

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